Louisa’s Story: Doing a Operations Management Level 5 Apprenticeship

Feb 27, 2024 | Apprenticeships, Ladder News, News

Learner Feedback

Louisa Smith works at Warwickshire County Council and has recently finished her Level 5 Operations Management course with us at Heart of England Training. Louisa mentioned why she chose to complete an apprenticeship, “I never did that well in exam’s in schools so struggled to receive qualifications that were exam heavy. Any qualifications that I now hold have all been achieved by working and learning which is why I chose to complete apprenticeships as this working style suited me best”

She also went on to mention her progression that she has had through completing apprenticeships, Louisa said, “I did achieve my Level 3 in Management back in November 2011 so after a few progressions in my job role I was able to develop my skills further through the operations Management Level 5”

We also were interested in what parts of her apprenticeship she found most beneficial in helping her in her job role, she said, “Creating and delivering operational plans, financial and resource management, understanding approaches to stakeholder relationship management and understanding the best development tools in project management.”

Louisa also added that she really enjoys her role in Economy and Skills at Warwickshire County Council and that she can see how the team is expanding in the future. Louisa felt that “this apprenticeship would put me in the best possible to take advantage if any opportunities when they arise”

Louisa gave us some really insightful information on why she chose to do an apprenticeship and how it has benefitted her job role but we also wanted to know what she has enjoyed most about it.

Louisa said “I really enjoyed the structure and the level of support I had from my Educator. With the day courses I really enjoyed hearing about other peoples experiences in their work situations, which I found really useful.”

Another thing she wanted to mention was her Educator, “Tracey has helped me focus better on the task in hand. She has been incredibly supportive, especially through my Maths and English functional skills exams, which I had to complete to pass the course.”

When asked what advice Louisa would give she said

“Go for it! You will learn so much and being mentored by your manager at your workplace has been a very positive experience for me.”

To finish our interview with Louisa we wanted to know if she would recommend an apprenticeship to anyone?

Her answer was, “Yes I would, if you have any area you would like to focus. Learning on the job and seeing how it impacts you work has been the most enjoyable and fruitful experience.

An Insight into The CMI Level 5 Management and Leadership Qualification.

As a management professional working in the public, private or third sector and across all sizes of organisations, key responsibilities may include:

  • creating and delivering operational plans
  • managing budgets
  • leading and managing teams
  • managing change
  • financial and resource management
  • talent management
  • coaching and mentoring

On completion, candidates can register as full members with the Chartered Management Institute (CMI); those with 3 years of management experience can apply for Chartered status through CMI.

Take a look at Heart of England Training’s website here: https://hoet.co.uk/

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