Ladder for Coventry and Warwickshire apprenticeship campaign launches

Nov 15, 2022 | News

The aim of the Apprenticeship Ladder for Coventry and Warwickshire is to bring together employers with job seekers.

A campaign aiming to raise awareness of apprenticeship opportunities across Coventry and Warwickshire is being launched.

CoventryLive is teaming up with apprenticeship training providers across Coventry and Warwickshire to lead a major campaign to raise awareness of apprenticeships and the many benefits they bring.

In association with the Ladder Apprenticeship Foundation, Coventry and Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce Training, Coventry and Warwickshire Local Enterprise Partnership and Coventry and Warwickshire Careers Hubs, the partnership will spearhead the drive to increase the take-up of apprenticeships across the area.

It will bring together employers with the next generation of apprentices seeking to kick start a career and gain new skills and knowledge.

It is the latest campaign to run under the ‘Ladder’ umbrella which was started in London in 2012 and has since seen similar successful apprenticeship campaigns across the wider West Midlands, with Coventry and Warwickshire next in line.

The aim of the Apprenticeship Ladder for Coventry and Warwickshire is to bring together employers with job seekers, of any age, looking to develop a new career via the apprenticeship route, supported by training providers who run vocational, work-based learning covering everything from advanced manufacturing, cybersecurity, automotive, health and social care, children’s care and education, digital and IT, business, management and professional industries. Apprenticeship offers a fantastic way of combining on and off-the-job training in a structured way.

Similar to the Ladder for Greater Birmingham, the partners will be supporting CoventryLive in running apprenticeship awards next year.

The campaign is appealing to all companies and organisations, from the smallest niche firms to the largest corporations, to get involved and support apprentices, providing opportunities which benefit the individual and the business alike. It has never been timelier than now, as many businesses face a challenging jobs markets and staff recruitment pressures.

The partnership will operate a hub, managing a hotline and website matching service, connecting potential apprentices with employers through a network of highly experienced apprenticeship training providers who connect the pieces together.

Sally Lucas, executive director of Coventry & Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce Training, said: “The launch of the Apprenticeship Ladder is great news for Coventry and Warwickshire.

“It will spotlight the wide range of career opportunities that apprenticeships offer, enabling young people and adults to gain skills and knowledge and play a vital role in business success.”

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Ladder for Coventry and Warwickshire

Commerce House, St Nicholas St, Coventry CV1 4FD

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